According to the Gwinnett County Public School System Website,  Gwinnett County requires for an employee who desires to  teach children in grades Kindergarten to 5th grade to obtain a Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college,  have a passing score on the appropriate GACE Subject Area Assessment, and a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5 for bachelor degrees received during the past 10 years. Skills that can be great characteristics of a teacher is the ability to speak in front of groups of people; including communication skills with children, adults and other colleagues, planning and organizational skills, time management skills and maybe even pastoral skills to help manage the individual student personalities.  The starting salary for the first two years of teaching in Gwinnett County Schools is $38,895 with a Clear Renewable Professional Certificate (Bachelors). However, with a Clear Renewable Professional Certificate (Masters), the salary for the first two years is $43,855. Click here for a complete list of teaching salaries in Gwinnett County. 

We are surrounded in today's world with technology. Technology is advancing and it is important for children to know and understand technology. Early Childhood Education is perhaps the most important milestone in a child's development.
During this time a child develops at a fast rate and develops skills they will carry with them for the rest of his/her life. I feel children are not receiving the proper education early in life. It is my goal as a future teacher to provide early skills that will stay with them throughout his/her school years and on to adulthood. 
Gwinnett County School System and many other schools across the country use the
SuccessMaker Enterprises (SME) courseware software by Pearson. SME is a self paced course that enables students to learn material that is on each individual student’s level. SME will generate reports that the teacher can use to evaluate the needs of each student. The reports provide each individual student with details of progress, goals, objectives, and levels of learning. Teachers are then able to focus on the areas each student needs help with and identifies weaknesses and strengths. Parents are even allowed to purchase the software from their Childs school for use at home. Studies have shown that students who use SME generate higher test scores. 

Some classrooms are now beginning to use touch screen technology on
Smart Boards
. These Boards are connected to the classroom computer and provide interactive learning through lesson plans and games. Children are engaged by using up to date technology that is fun and educational. Touch recognition technology allows you to write with a pen, erase with your hand, or even move items on the screen. Using Smart Boards allow a teacher to reach to all types of learners in the classroom. 

(see below for video of Smart Boards)